
Review Article

Spiritual and religious Islamic perspectives of healing of posttraumatic stress disorder

Mevludin Hasanović*, Izet Pajević and Osman Sinanović

Published: 25 September, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 023-029

It is known today that psycho-trauma and PTSD cause different levels of mental and social dysfunction. Human spirituality and capacity to meet further life difficulties become severely damaged. There is wide accepted attitude today that in holistic approach in process of healing PTSD and psycho-trauma is necessary to include other professionals from community resource regarding needs of trauma victims. In Bosnia and Herzegovina after very severe war (1992-1995) as mental health professionals, we are faced with increasing number of different mental health disorders as result of severe trauma experiences. Regarding community based care orientation it is necessary to include and religion professionals. According national and religious background of majority of our population in Tuzla Canton that is Muslim, we meet spiritual needs of our clients as needs for Islamic explanation of life and death meaning. Our clients need to talk about spiritual issues in daily therapy and to practice daily religious rituals. Regarding that in this paper we tried to interface Islamic principles and it’s beneficial toward psycho-trauma and PTSD, as well as Muslim perspectives in attempt to apply spiritual practice in therapeutic tools for better efficacy in spiritual healing of mental dysfunction’s of believers who survived severe trauma, especially war trauma.

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Psycho-trauma; PTSD; Spirituality; Islam; Muslim; Al-salah (Islamic ritual prayer)


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